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Canvas Training For Parents
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Hello Spring Mill Family, Below is the link  to sign up for technology. You will need your child’s student ID number. Device pick up will be Wednesday, July 29th from 12-1pm and again from 5-7pm. If you need further assistance, please contact the school.   
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Parent Trainings – Canvas Parent Site – Direct Link to Recorded Video –  
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Dear Washington Township Community, As we begin the new year and new semester, we want to take a moment to remind families of the different communication sources for weather related school information. Washington Township Automated Calling System In the event of a delay or cancellation, 
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If you were not able to attend one of the design focus groups that the district hosted, we encourage you to take the survey so your voice can be heard regarding school design. We are eager to get feedback from as many constituents as possible. 
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MSDWT Statement of Gratitude to the Community  INDIANAPOLIS, IN (November 8, 2016) – Washington Township Community, The Metropolitan School District of Washington Township extends our sincere appreciation to the entire community for approving the November 8, 2016 ballot referenda.  We also extend our appreciation for the extraordinary efforts of community members who volunteered their time 
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